Sunday, December 13, 2009

peewees BIG adventure

the other night me and my brother max watched peewees BIG adventure we were cracking up!! my favorite part was totally large marge my brothers favorite part was mean man[francis] Are other favorite parts were..... when peewee used BIG silver-wear!!!Also when he was in a movie!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :O :I :P 3<3<3,3<3<3

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Project Runway, September 17, 2009

Subject: Los Angeles Times Newspaper - Black and White

Shirin thought they were going to some kind of factory.

Irina said everyone was grabbing stacks of paper and mixing materials

Christopher was being really ambitious.

Carol Hannah was dying stuff.

Johnny is doing a really nice dress made out of origami. It turned out to be horrible.

Geordana was gonna put time to change on her dress.

Christopher loves the clean black and white look.

And now my opinions:

I think that everyone is doing pretty good, but Johnny's the one who's not doing very well. I think Johnny is gonna lose. I think Nicolas is really snotty and mean and just not a very nice guy. I think Irina is doing a good job even though she's making a trench coat!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

This weather is crazy!

I'm so scared! Everyone keeps saying that it is going to be the coldest night ever. What is that? I'm serious. -10 degrees!

I want spring to come now. I am so tired of winter, I hate it, it is so bad. I wish we could just get over with it. 

I'm so glad that my dad got me a down jacket over the weekend at least I kinda stay warm now.

Still, whenever I'm outside I feel like I'm gonna die. Is it just me or is this weather crazy?

I want to move to San Diego especially if I can take my friends!!!!!

Hello sunshine, here I come! Oh, I'm just dreaming.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Holidays Are Over

Over the holidays I had to work on two reports. A community report and a cooking report. Of course, I waited until the last minute and just finished tonight!!!

My community report was about 3 important places in my community and 1 special event in my community. In my cooking report, I gave a 6 step process for making my specialty: Quesadillas! SDC10265

Doesn't that look awesome friends? This was my Dad's dinner! My Dad said, "Dyl, make me another one please, that was soooo good," but my mom had already put the ingredients away by the time he finished. Dad is still hungry (and complaining like usual). :-)

I'm so glad to be back to school. I missed all of my friends!!!!!!!!!!!